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Philosophical Quotes About Space Travel

I really became enthralled by the philosophical side of space travel and why we need to explore - what it means to us here on Earth - all of those things. The exploration of space will go ahead whether we join in it or not and it is one of the great adventures of all time and no nation which expects to be the leader of other nations can expect to stay behind in the race for space. Interstellar A Poem About Space Travel And What To Expect Poems Writing Life Space Travel Given the above accounts of both human and planetary nature it really is the only real frontier left. Philosophical quotes about space travel . In A Discovery of a New World Or a Discourse. Stargazing at a beautiful night sky one cannot help but start thinking of endless space and beautiful starts this thought has always made me smile. Top 10 Space Travel Quotes 10. As its interest in science wanes the country loses ground to the rest of the industrialized world in every measure of technological proficiency.